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Tuesday 24 October 2017

BERMUDA: Expensive Compared To Caribbean Destinations,Fruits Eaten From The Tree,Rental Cars Banned,Only One Car Per Home

Bermuda is a self-governing British overseas territory in the Atlantic Ocean north of the Caribbean, off the coast of North America east of North Carolina.

It is one of the last remains of the once vast British colonial empire in North America.

Bermuda is a group of low-forming volcanoes in the Atlantic Ocean, near the western edge of the Sargasso Sea, roughly 578 nautical miles (1,070 km (665 mi) east-southeast of Cape Hatteras on the Outer Banks of North Carolina and about 594 nautical miles (1,100 km (684 mi)) southeast of Martha's Vineyard of Massachusetts.

It is 898 nautical miles (1,664 km (1,034 mi)) northeast of Miami, Florida, and 667 nautical miles (1,236 km (768 mi)) from Cape Sable Island, in Nova Scotia, Canada.

The islands lie due east of Fripp Island, South Carolina, west-northwest of Cape Verde, southeast of New York City, New York, north-northwest of Brazil and north of Puerto Rico.

The archipelago is formed by high points on the rim of the caldera of a submarine volcano that forms a seamount. The volcano is one part of a range that was formed as part of the same process that formed the floor of the Atlantic and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

The top of the seamount has gone through periods of complete submergence, during which its limestone cap was formed by marine organisms, and in the Ice Ages the entire caldera was above sea level, forming an island of approximately two hundred square miles.

It has 103 km (64 mi) of coastline. The two incorporated municipalities in Bermuda are the City of Hamilton and the Town of St George. Bermuda is divided into nine parishes, which have some localities called villages, such as Flatts Village and Somerset Village.

Although usually referred to in the singular, the territory consists of 181 islands, with a total area of 53.3 square kilometres (20.6 square miles).The largest island is Main Island, sometimes called Bermuda.

Eight of the larger islands are connected by bridges, and are the populated islands.Compiling a list of the islands is often complicated, as many have more than one name as does the entire archipelago, which has also been known historically as La Garza, Virgineola, and the Isle of Devils.

Somers Isles is often rendered Somers Islands, or mistaken for Summer Isles.

Despite the small land mass, place names are repeated: two islands named Long Island, three bays named Long Bay on Somerset, Main, and Cooper's islands, two Horseshoe Bays one in Southampton, on the Main Island, the other at Morgan's Point, formerly Tucker's Island.

Two roads through cuttings called Khyber Pass, one in Warwick, the other in St. George's Parish, and two St George's Towns on St George's Island in St George's Parish, each known as St George's. There is a Hamilton Parish in addition to the City of Hamilton in Pembroke Parish.

When discovered, Bermuda was uninhabited and mostly dominated by forests of Bermuda cedar, with mangrove marshes along its shores. Only 165 of the island's current 1,000 vascular plant species are considered native. Of those, 15, including the eponymous cedar, are endemic.

Settlers have introduced many species of palm trees to Bermuda. Coconut palms are found on Bermuda, making it the northernmost location for the natural growth of this species. However, the climate is usually too cool to allow the palms to properly set fruit.

The only indigenous mammals of Bermuda are five species of bats, all of which are also found in the eastern United States: Lasionycteris noctivagans, Lasiurus borealis, Lasiurus cinereus, Lasiurus seminolus and Perimyotis subflavus.

Other commonly known fauna of Bermuda include its national bird, the Bermuda petrel or cahow. It was rediscovered in 1951 after having been thought extinct since the 1620s. It is important as an example of a Lazarus species.

The government has a programme to protect it, including restoration of a habitat area. The Bermuda rock skink was long thought to have been the only indigenous land vertebrate of Bermuda, discounting the marine turtles that lay their eggs on its beaches.

Recently through genetic DNA studies, scientists have discovered that a species of turtle, the diamondback terrapin, previously thought to have been introduced, pre-dated the arrival of humans in the archipelago.

As this species spends most of its time in brackish ponds, some question whether it should be classified as a land vertebrate to compete with the skink's unique status.

Bermuda's 2010 Census put Bermuda's population at 64,237 and, with an area of 53.2 km2 (20.5 sq mi), it has a calculated population density of 1207/km².

The racial makeup of Bermuda as recorded by the 2010 census, was 54% black, 31% white, 8% multiracial, 4% Asian, and 4% other races, although these numbers are based on self-identification, and the majority of those who answered "black" have any mixture of black, white and indigenous American ancestry.

Native-born Bermudians made up 67% of the population, compared to 29% non-natives.

The island experienced large-scale immigration over the 20th century, especially after the Second World War.

Bermuda has a diverse population including both those with relatively deep roots in Bermuda extending back for centuries, and newer communities whose ancestry results from recent immigration, especially from Britain, North America, the West Indies, and the Portuguese Atlantic islands especially the Azores, although these groups are steadily merging.

About 46% of the population identified themselves with Bermudian ancestry in 2010, which was a decrease from the 51% who did so in the 2000 census. Those identifying with British ancestry dropped by 1% to 11% although those born in Britain remain the largest non-native group at 3,942 persons.

The number of people born in Canada declined by 13%. Those who reported West Indian ancestry were 13%. The number of people born in the West Indies actually increased by 538.

A significant segment of the population is of Portuguese ancestry (10%), the result of immigration over the past 160 years,of whom 79% have residency status.

Bermuda's modern black population contains more than one demographic group. Although the number of residents born in Africa is very small, it has tripled between 2000 and 2010,this group also includes non-blacks.

The majority of blacks in Bermuda can be termed Bermudian blacks, whose ancestry dates back centuries between the 17th century and the end of slavery in 1834, Bermuda's black population was self-sustaining, with its growth resulting largely from natural expansion.

This contrasts to the enslaved blacks of the plantation colonies, who were subjected to conditions so harsh as to drop their birth rate below the death rate, and slaveholders in the West Indies found it necessary to continue importing more enslaved blacks from Africa until the end of slavery.

The same had been true for the Native Americans that the Africans had replaced on the New World plantations.

The indigenous populations of many West Indian islands, and much of the South-East of what is now the United States that had survived the 16th- and 17th-century epidemics of European-introduced diseases then became the victims of large-scale slave raiding, with much of the region completely depopulated.

When the supply of indigenous slaves ran out, the slaveholders looked to Africa. T

he ancestry of Bermuda's black population is distinguished from that of the British West Indian black population in two ways: first, the higher degree of European and Native American admixture; secondly, the source of the African ancestry.

In the British West Indian islands and also in the United States, the majority of enslaved blacks brought across the Atlantic came from West Africa,between modern Senegal and Ghana. Very little of Bermuda's original black emigration came from this area.

The first blacks to arrive in Bermuda in any numbers were free blacks from Spanish-speaking areas of the West Indies, and most of the remainder were recently enslaved Africans captured from the Spanish and Portuguese.

As Spain and Portugal sourced most of their slaves from South-West Africa the Portuguese through ports in modern-day Angola, the Spanish purchased most of their African slaves from Portuguese traders, and from Arabs whose slave trading was centred in Zanzibar.

Genetic studies have consequently shown that the African ancestry of black Bermudians other than those resulting from recent immigration from the British West Indian islands, is largely from a band across southern Africa, from Angola to Mozambique.

Similar to what is revealed in Latin America, but distinctly different from the blacks of the West Indies and the United States.

Most of Bermuda's black population trace some of their ancestry to Native Americans, although awareness of this is largely limited to St David's Islanders and most who have such ancestry are unaware of it. During the colonial period, hundreds of Native Americans were shipped to Bermuda.

The best-known examples were the Algonquian peoples who were exiled from the southern New England colonies and sold into slavery in the 17th century, notably in the aftermaths of the Pequot and King Philip's wars.

Today several thousand expatriate workers, principally from Britain, Canada, the West Indies, South Africa and the US, reside in Bermuda. They are primarily engaged in specialized professions such as accounting, finance, and insurance.

Others are employed in various trades, such as hotels, restaurants, construction, and landscaping services. Of the total workforce of 38,947 persons in 2005, government employment figures stated that 11,223 (29%) were non-Bermudians.

The predominant language on Bermuda is Bermudian English. It exhibits characteristics of British, West Indian, and American English. Perhaps most interesting is its closeness to acrolectal English compared to other varieties in the West Indies.

British English spellings and conventions are used in print media and formal written communications.
Portuguese is also spoken in Bermuda,this is owing to immigration from Portugal, particularly from the Azores and Cape Verde.

Protestant 46.2% (includes Anglican 15.8%, African Methodist Episcopal 8.6%, Seventh Day Adventist 6.7, Pentecostal 3.5%, Methodist 2.7%, Presbyterian 2.0%, Church of God 1.6%, Baptist 1.2%, Salvation Army 1.1%, Brethren 1.0%, other Protestant 2.0%), Roman Catholic 14.5%, Jehovah's Witness 1.3%, other Christian 9.1%, Muslim 1%, other 3.9%, none 17.8%, unspecified 6.2%.

Bermuda's culture is a mixture of the various sources of its population: Native American, Spanish-Caribbean, English, Irish, and Scots cultures were evident in the 17th century, and became part of the dominant British culture.

English is the primary and official language. Due to 160 years of immigration from Portuguese Atlantic islands - primarily the Azores, though also from Madeira and the Cape Verde Islands, a portion of the population also speaks Portuguese.

There are strong British influences, together with Afro-Caribbean ones.

A second wave of immigration from the West Indies was sustained throughout the 20th century; the more recent arrivals have primarily come from English-speaking countries, also bringing aspects of their cultures.

This new infusion of West Indians has both accelerated social and political change, and diversified Bermuda's culture.

Bermuda's proximity to the United States, as well as its origin as part of Virginia, means that many aspects of US culture are reflected in, or incorporated into, Bermudian culture.

Many non-Bermudian writers have also made Bermuda their home, or have had homes there, including A. J. Cronin and F. Van Wyck Mason, who wrote on Bermudian subjects.

Actors such as Ernest Trimingham, Oona O'Neill, Earl Cameron, Diana Dill, Lena Headey, Will Kempe, and most famously, Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones, grew up there or have lived there as adults.

Other native or resident film and television figures in Bermuda include producer Arthur Rankin, Jr., and Michael Frith; an author and puppeteer most well known for his work on the Muppets franchise.

West Indian musicians introduced calypso music when Bermuda's tourist industry was expanded with the increase of visitors brought by post-Second World War aviation.

While calypso appealed more to the visitors than to the locals, reggae has been embraced by many Bermudians since the 1970s with the influx of Jamaican immigrants.

Bermuda's early literature consisted of non-Bermudian writers commenting on the island. These included John Smith's The Generall Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles (1624), and Edmund Waller's poem, "Battle of the Summer Islands" (1645).

Music and dance are important in Bermuda. Noted musicians have included local icons The Talbot Brothers, who performed for many decades both in Bermuda and the United States, and appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show; jazz pianist Lance Hayward, singer-songwriter Heather Nova and her brother Mishka; tenor Gary Burgess, classical musician and conductor Kenneth Amis and, more recently, dancehall artist Collie Buddz.

Bermuda is the only placename in the New World specifically mentioned in the works of Shakespeare, in The Tempest in Act 1, Scene 2, line 230: "the still-vexed Bermoothes".

The dances of the colourful Gombey dancers, seen at many events, are strongly influenced by African, Caribbean, Native American and British cultural traditions. In summer 2001 they performed in Washington, D.C. at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival on the Mall.

Bermudian Gina Swainson was crowned "Miss World" in 1979.

Bermuda hosts an annual international film festival, which shows many independent films. One of the founders is film producer and director Arthur Rankin, Jr., co-founder of the Rankin/Bass production company.

Bermuda watercolours painted by local artists are sold at various galleries. Hand-carved cedar sculptures are another speciality. One such 7 ft (2.1 m) sculpture, created by Bermudian sculptor Chesley Trott, is installed at the airport's baggage claim area.

In 2010, his sculpture The Arrival was unveiled near the bay to commemorate the freeing of slaves from the American brig Enterprise in 1835.

Local artwork may also be viewed at several galleries around the island. Alfred Birdsey was one of the more famous and talented watercolourists; his impressionistic landscapes of Hamilton, St George's and the surrounding sailboats, homes, and bays of Bermuda are world-renowned.

Local resident Tom Butterfield founded the Masterworks Museum of Bermuda Art in 1986, initially featuring works about Bermuda by artists from other countries.

He began with pieces by American artists, such as Winslow Homer, Charles Demuth, and Georgia O'Keeffe, who had lived and worked here. He has increasingly supported the development of local artists, arts education, and the arts scene.

In 2008, the museum opened its new building, constructed within the Botanic Gardens.

On 11 June 2009, four Uyghurs who had been held in the United States Guantanamo Bay detention camp, in Cuba, were transferred to Bermuda. The four men were among 22 Uyghurs who claimed to be refugees, who were captured in 2001 in Pakistan after fleeing the American aerial bombardment of Afghanistan.

They were accused of training to assist the Taliban's military. They were cleared as safe for release from Guantanamo in 2005 or 2006, but US domestic law prohibited deporting them back to China, their country of citizenship, because the US government determined that China was likely to violate their human rights.

In September 2008, the men were cleared of all suspicion and Judge Ricardo Urbina in Washington ordered their release. Congressional opposition to their admittance to the United States was very strong and the US failed to find a home for them until Bermuda and Palau agreed to accept the 22 men in June 2009.

The secret bilateral discussions that led to prisoner transfers between the US and the devolved Bermuda government sparked diplomatic ire from the United Kingdom, which was not consulted on the move despite Bermuda being a British territory.

The British Foreign Office issued this statement:

" We've underlined to the Bermuda Government that they should have consulted with the United Kingdom as to whether this falls within their competence or is a security issue, for which the Bermuda Government do not have delegated responsibility. We have made clear to the Bermuda Government the need for a security assessment, which we are now helping them to carry out, and we will decide on further steps as appropriate."

As of May 2013, the four Uyghurs still lived in Bermuda; but they have not been given Bermudian status and remain stateless, posing problems for emergency medical situations and finding certain jobs.

However, granting them Bermudian status would require a change in Bermudian laws, and the issue has prompted a major debate within Bermuda's parliament on what steps should be taken.

In 1970 the country switched its currency from the Bermudian pound to the Bermudian dollar, which is pegged at par with the US dollar. US notes and coins are used interchangeably with Bermudian notes and coins within the islands for most practical purposes.

However, banks levy an exchange rate fee for the purchase of US dollars with Bermudian dollars.Bermudian notes carry the image of Queen Elizabeth II. The Bermuda Monetary Authority is the issuing authority for all banknotes and coins, and regulates financial institutions.

The Royal Naval Dockyard Museum holds a permanent exhibition of Bermuda notes and coins.

According to the Bermuda Government's Economic Statistics Division, Bermuda's GDP was $5.85 billion in 2007, or $91,477 per capita, giving Bermuda the highest GDP per capita in the world.

The affordability of housing became a prominent issue during Bermuda's business peak in 2005 but has softened with the decline of Bermuda's real estate prices.

The CIA World Factbook lists the average cost of a house in June 2003 as $976,000, while real estate agencies have claimed that this figure had risen to between $1.6 million and $1.845 million by 2007,though such high figures have been disputed.

Bermuda is an offshore financial centre, which results from its minimal standards of business regulation/laws and direct taxation on personal or corporate income.

It has one of the highest consumption taxes in the world and taxes all imports in lieu of an income tax system. Bermuda's consumption tax is equivalent to local income tax to local residents and funds government and infrastructure expenditures.

The local tax system depends upon import duties, payroll taxes and consumption taxes. The legal system is derived from that of the United Kingdom, with recourse to English courts of final appeal.

Foreign private individuals cannot easily open bank accounts or subscribe to mobile phone or internet services.

Having no corporate income tax, Bermuda is a popular tax avoidance location. Google, for example, is known to have shifted over $10 billion in revenue to its Bermuda subsidiary utilising the "Double Irish" and "Dutch Sandwich" tax avoidance strategies, reducing its 2011 tax liability by $2 billion.

Government employment, off-shore business, and tourism are the largest sectors of Bermuda's economy. However, in September 2009, the Irish press reported that a growing number of companies were moving from Bermuda to Ireland as part of a search for a more stable environment.

Large numbers of leading international insurance companies operate in Bermuda. Those internationally owned and operated businesses that are physically based in Bermuda are around four hundred and are represented by the Association of Bermuda International Companies (ABIC).

In total, over 15,000 exempted or international companies are currently registered with the Registrar of Companies in Bermuda, most of which hold no office space or employees.

There are four hundred securities listed on the stock exchange, of which almost three hundred are offshore funds and alternative investment structures attracted by Bermuda's regulatory environment.

The Exchange specialises in listing and trading of capital market instruments such as equities, debt issues, funds including hedge fund structures and depository receipt programmes.

The BSX is a full member of the World Federation of Exchanges and is located in an OECD member nation. It also has Approved Stock Exchange status under Australia's Foreign Investment Fund (FIF) taxation rules and Designated Investment Exchange status by the UK's Financial Services Authority.
Four banks operate in Bermuda, having consolidated assets.

Tourism is Bermuda's second-largest industry, with the island attracting over half a million visitors annually, of whom more than 80% are from the United States.

Other significant sources of visitors are from Canada and the United Kingdom. Tourists arrive either by cruise ship or by air at L.F. Wade International Airport, the only airport on the island.

Healthcare is another industry where expats are able to find employment relatively easily. Physicians, registered nurses, imaging technologists and healthcare managers and coders are in high demand for a small country and all pay decent salaries in excess of $100k US/year.

Bermuda is divided into nine parishes (from east to west):

- St. George's Parish - Encompassing the area around the historic Town of St.

- George as well as the island of St. David's across its harbor.

- Hamilton Parish - Location of Crystal Caves and Bermuda Aquarium and Zoo.

- Smith's Parish - Home to Flatts Village, Spittle Pond Nature Preserve and Devil's Hole Aquarium.

- Devonshire Parish - The quiet parish.

- Pembroke Parish - Where the city of Hamilton is located.

- Paget Parish - Numerous resorts, Elbow Beach, Bermuda Botanical Gardens and Paget Marsh for birdwatching.

- Warwick Parish - Golf, horseback riding and the island's best cliffs.

- Southampton Parish - The best beaches and Gibbs Hill Lighthouse.

- Sandys Parish - The Royal Naval Dockyard fortress and shops, but also Somerset Village, Fort Scaur, Gilbert Nature Reserve and some fine beaches.

Bermuda has two incorporated municipalities: one city and one town. There are also unincorporated municipalities (villages).

- Hamilton - the capital, and only city.

- St. George - the old capital. Oldest surviving English New World town.

- Flatts Village - location of the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo.

- Somerset Village - on Somerset Island, Sandy's Parish.
Other places of interest are:

- Baileys Bay

- Horseshoe Bay Beach

Bermuda consists of about 138 islands and islets, with all the major islands aligned on a hook-shaped, but roughly east-west, axis and connected together by road bridges.

Despite this complexity, Bermudians usually refer to Bermuda as "the island". In terms of terrain, the islands are composed of low hills separated by fertile depressions, and interspersed with a complex set of waterways.

The inhabited island chain is actually the southern sector of a circular pseudo-atoll, the remainder of the coral ring being submerged or inter-tidal reefs,Bermuda was formed volcanically but is not a true atoll.

As a result the northern shores of inhabited islands are relatively sheltered, whilst the southern shores are exposed to the ocean swell. Consequently most of the best beaches are on the southern shore.

Bermuda has a subtropical climate, with hot and humid weather from spring through fall, however daytime temps fall to the upper 10s °C in wintertime, with wintertime lows of around 14 °C.

Rarely do temperatures fall below 12 °C. The water also cools down into the 10s °C in the wintertime. Humidity remains high in the wintertime.

The Gulf Stream does help Bermuda maintain a subtropical climate, despite the latitude being equal to the Carolinas in the United States. For almost half the year (April to Sept) the UV index is over 8.

Bermuda was first settled in 1609 by shipwrecked English colonists headed for the infant English colony of Virginia. The first industry on the islands was fruit and vegetable cultivation to supply the early American colonies.

The islands took a carefully unofficial role during the American War of Independence, with much of Washington's armaments coming from a covert and likely locally complicit raid on the island's armoury.

After US independence and during the Napoleonic wars, Great Britain found itself without access to the ports now on the US east coast.

Because of this situation and Bermuda's convenient location between British Canada and Britain's Caribbean possessions, Bermuda became the principal stopover point for the British Royal Navy's Atlantic fleet, somewhat similar to Gibraltar.

The American Civil War and American Prohibition both added considerably to the island's coffers, with Bermuda forming an important focal point in running the blockades in both cases.

During the Second World War, a large US air base was built on the islands and remained operational until 1995, and Bermuda served as the main intercept centre for transatlantic cable messages to and from occupied Europe.

Tourist travel to Bermuda to escape North American winters first developed in Victorian times. Tourism continues to be important to the island's economy, although international business has surpassed it in recent years, turning Bermuda into a highly successful offshore financial centre.

In 1968, Bermuda gained a constitution, but the British Government determined that Bermuda was not ready for independence, eventually making Bermuda a British Dependent Territory in 1981.

A referendum on independence was soundly defeated in 1995. For many, Bermudian independence would mean little other than the obligation to staff foreign missions and embassies around the world, which can be an onerous obligation for Bermuda's small population.

The Thursday (Emancipation Day) and Friday (Somer's Day) before the first Monday in August are when Somerset and St. George play cricket, a tradition since 1901.

Almost all businesses, including tourist attractions, shut down and large numbers of tents appear throughout the islands on beaches and roadsides. It's a four-day weekend, Bermuda-style.

Bermudians make the most of it, sporting their team's colours, feasting and even doing some legalized gambling with their Crown and Anchor dice game.

In March 2014, Bermuda simplified its immigration requirements - all foreign nationals do not require a visa, just a passport or US Passport Card if arriving on a cruise ship, valid for 45 days after intended departure and either a work permit or return or onward tickets.

Some requirements are still in place:

- Nationals and permanent residents of Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States need only a valid passport and return or onward tickets.

- Nationals who are not entitled to right of abode, freedom of movement or visa-free travel rights in the above countries will be required to present a valid visa for any of the above countries upon arrival. This is because such nationals will need to transit and return through the US, UK or Canada.

One of Bermuda's few taxes is its steep import duty. This varies depending on the item and the importer. Some items are tax-exempt when brought in for personal use e.g books, educational materials.

The duty on cars is fixed to their value. If the price of the vehicle before it is landed is less than $10,000, the duty is 80%. For cars costing $10,000 or greater, before landing, the duty is 100%.

The dealer must add his own profit margin on top of this. Each person arriving on the island is allowed a $100 exemption, but visitors deemed to be carrying more than that amount will be subject to the duty on the excess value.

American Airlines, Delta, JetBlue and United operate daily flights from Atlanta, Boston, Newark, New York, Philadelphia and Washington, together with seasonal flights from Charlotte. Air Canada and WestJet operate frequent flights from Toronto. British Airways fly from London Gatwick.

There is a $25 airport tax for all passengers. Bermuda's Airport has the world's highest landing/parking fee for airlines, so the overall price for the air ticket including all taxes, is considerably higher than for many Caribbean destinations.

Arriving passengers will need to pass through Immigration and Customs. Importation of narcotics and weapons including all forms of guns is strictly prohibited, as are any live marine animals, snakes or plants.

The airport is situated in St. George's Parish, adjacent to Castle Harbour, and nearer St George's than Hamilton though no part of Bermuda is far from any other.

If you are arriving on an inclusive tour, then your tour operator will probably have arranged onward transportation to your hotel by private bus. The airport is well served by local public buses, but unfortunately these will not accept luggage. The bus only takes cash fare in coins.

An Airport Shuttle can be booked for $10-$15 to take visitors to one of four hotels. It doesn't appear as though you have to be a guest at the hotel in order to reserve and ride but the hotel will be used as a drop-off or pick-up point.

The shuttle must be booked online or using their US toll-free number in advance and has staff at a desk outside the airport.

While there is a visitor information centre at the airport, it is unmanned and thus no bus tickets packs or transportation passes can be purchased at the airport, the closest visitor's information centre is an hour's walk away at the St. George's ferry terminal.

Taxis are available at the airport; depending on time of arrival and destination they may cost up to $50. Rates to and from the airport are set and posted. Hire cars are not available.

It is possible to walk from the airport, however it should be noted that the bridge across the causeway toward Hamilton is one lane each way with no sidewalks.

Despite this, Bermuda drivers are patient and considerate of pedestrians and will wait for an opening in traffic in the opposing direction before passing and many joggers and walkers walk this bridge.

US Customs and Immigration pre-clearance is done in Bermuda prior to boarding your flight home. This allows for easy domestic connections on arrival in the USA.

Bermuda receives many visits from cruise ships during the summer months, with most ships operating from the ports of Baltimore, Boston, Bayonne, New York, Charleston, Norfolk, Miami/Ft Lauderdale, and Philadelphia on the eastern seaboard of the United States.

The same immigration and customs rules apply as for arrival by air (above).

There are three different locations cruise ships may stop at in Bermuda, and some vessels visit more than one of these in a single cruise:

- Hamilton. Cruise ships berth here alongside Front Street, one of the main streets of Bermuda's capital. Passengers here have access to the shops and restaurants of Hamilton, and can reach the rest of the islands using the bus and ferry systems.

- Saint George. Cruise ships berth near the main square of the small town and historic former capital. Passengers can reach Hamilton and Flatts Village directly by bus, and other locations by changing in Hamilton.

- Royal Naval Dockyard, Ireland Island. This berth is situated in the historic naval dockyard complex at the extreme western end of the island beyond Somerset. This is currently the only location in Bermuda that can accommodate the largest of cruise ships.

Passengers can reach Hamilton directly by bus or ferry, and other locations by changing there.

Bermuda is a favourite, if challenging destination for off-shore yacht crews. Crossing from the US mainland or the Azores can take up to 3 weeks in the notorious calm of summer.

The rest of the year there might be too much wind: nor'easters to hurricanes.

Another hazard: lots of floating debris from sunken ships and the hurricanes of the the last few years. Within a 200 nautical mile radius from Bermuda collisions with solid objects are frequent and often deadly.

Yachts have to clear in Bermuda Customs and Immigration at St George. Only bargain left in the islands: bring your own boat and anchor, moor or dock for free in all the islands' coves for up to 6 months. Check in is only $15 per person,$10 cheaper than by air.

The islands benefit from an excellent and frequent bus service, which connects all parts of the islands to Hamilton. The buses are air conditioned and used equally by locals, visitors, and cruise passengers.

When catching a bus look out for the pink and blue painted poles which denote bus stops; pink indicates buses heading into Hamilton; blue heading out from Hamilton. Buses will not accept passengers with a lot of luggage.

If you plan to get around by bus, note that some buses run every 15 minutes on weekdays, while others run every 30 minutes. Holiday, weekend and weekday evening (after 6:30pm) schedules are less frequent, typically once an hour.

If you are going to a popular cruise destination, the bus may be standing room only or even unavailable due to full capacity. So plan accordingly.

There are also passenger ferries which ply the waters of Hamilton Harbour and the Great Sound, and are a great way of getting to Somerset and the Dockyard. There is also a ferry service between the Dockyard and St. George.

See the schedule, as depending on your stop,the pink line, for example the ferry runs every hour or less frequently.

Transportation passes valid on both buses and ferries are available for unlimited use for periods of 1 to 7 days and cost $19-62 with one month and three-month passes for longer-term visitors and residents available.

A one-way bus or ferry trip costs $5.00, with short bus journeys costing $3.50. Cash fares on the buses are coins only,no change given. Ask the bus driver for a transfer when getting off the bus if you must connect to another line.

Rather than buying a pass, the most cost effective option for many visitors would be to buy a sheet of 15 transportation tickets for $25 for short rides or $37.50 for longer rides from the ferry station, any post office or the bus terminal in Hamilton.

Each ticket covers a single bus or ferry ride for $2.50, quite a lot cheaper than the cash fare. Rides lengths are determined by zone and the drivers and ferry staff are helpful in letting you know which you need. You can also use 2 short ride tickets if needed for a longer ride.

Taxis are another easy way of getting around the islands. They are available at taxi stands on Front St. in Hamilton, at the major hotels or by phone. All taxis are fitted with a meter and charge $6.40 for first mile plus $2.25 for each subsequent mile.

There is a 25% surcharge on Sundays. If not in Hamilton, you can always flag one down on a major road or call to have one pick you up.

With many services in Bermuda, but especially with taxis,though not with buses and ferries, which are very punctual, there is a concept of Bermuda Time.

You may find that when you call for a taxi to pick you up, they may not be as prompt as you would like. This may mean waiting an extra ten minutes, but remember that Bermuda is not at all fast-paced like many cities, it is much more laid back and relaxed here.

Walking as a means of transportation may be a challenge depending upon your location. Hamilton has side walks and crosswalks, and is easy to navigate. However, if you are staying at other locations, such as a guesthouse in a residential area, walking can be dangerous.

In many locations, there are no sidewalks, so walking means on the narrow road with buzzing cars and mopeds. Roads are narrow and often butt up against a stone wall, with barely enough room for two cars. Do not assume it is an easy walk to a bus or ferry stop, store or beach. That may or may not be true.

Until the arrival of the US military during the second world war, cars were entirely banned from these islands. Even now, hire cars or rental cars are banned and only residents are permitted to own cars,limit one per household.

Motorized bicycles or mopeds are available for hire and heavily used by locals and visitors alike. Depending on where you are staying, a moped may be your best way to get around.

If you plan to use alternative transportation bus or ferry, carefully investigate how far you are from the nearest stop. If you wish to use mopeds, rentals are very common, regulated and priced competitively, but beware of the Road Rash which is a very common affliction affecting many.

Furthermore, the roads are very tight one-lane roads, many without sidewalks making walking dangerous and many with many odd intersections such as roundabouts or traffic circles, and triangular intersections joining three roads.

Travel is on the left side of the road which is the opposite to the US. Road signs are based on the ones used in the United Kingdom; however, the vast majority are in kilometers. The national speed limit is 35km/h (22mph), which is lower in built-up and other congested areas.

Attractions you may like to visit:

Bermuda's pink sand beaches and clear, cerulean blue ocean waters are popular with tourists. Many of Bermuda's few hotels are located along the south shore of the island. In addition to its beaches, there are a number of sightseeing attractions.

Historic St George's is a designated World Heritage Site. Scuba divers can explore numerous wrecks and coral reefs in relatively shallow water (typically 30–40 ft or 9–12 m in depth), with virtually unlimited visibility. Many nearby reefs are readily accessible from shore by snorkellers, especially at Church Bay.

Bermuda's most popular visitor attraction is the Royal Naval Dockyard, which includes the Bermuda Maritime Museum. Other attractions include the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo,Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute, the Botanical Gardens and Masterworks Museum of Bermuda Art, lighthouses, and the Crystal Caves with stalactites and underground saltwater pools.

Admiralty House is another nice attraction where locals and visitors enjoy cliff diving into the beautiful blue water and where you are able to see Dockyard in the distance.

It is not possible to rent a car on the island; public transport and taxis are available or visitors can hire scooters for use as private transport.

- Town of St. George. A scenic UNESCO World Heritage Site and the oldest, continually inhabited British settlement in the New World. It boasts small winding streets with typical British Colonial architecture with fountains, gardens and squares, cobbled streets and plazas.

- Bermuda Maritime Museum, Pender Rd, Royal Naval Dockyard. Take 1/2 a day to go to the Royal Naval Dockyard. After the loss of its naval bases during the American Revolutionary War, the British Royal Navy relocated the headquarters of its Atlantic Fleet here from 1812 to 1957.

The old limestone storage buildings, keep and fortress have been wisely redeveloped by the Bermuda Government into a tourist attraction and shopping centre.

- Bermuda Aquarium, Museum, and Zoo, 40 North Shore Road, Flatts Village. Daily 9AM-5PM (last admission 4PM). Centerpieced by a 140,000 gallon replica coral reef, this one of Bermuda's main attractions. Over three hundred birds, reptiles and mammals and 200 species of fish. Adults $10, Seniors $5, ages 5 to 12 $5.

- Crystal and Fantasy Caves, Wilkinson Ave, Bailey’s Bay. Daily 9:30AM-4:30PM the last admission 4:00. Two quite different caves to see. You can see one cave for $22 or two for $30. Narrated tours require walking down ~80 steps to underground caves with pools. Very beautiful if you have never done this before.

- Spittal Pond,This was heavily damaged by Hurricane Fabian in 2003 and the process of fixing the trails and trees is still ongoing.

- Devil's Hole Aquarium, Harrington Sound Road, Hamilton, 441-293-2727. Small but fun. Fish for reef fish and turtles with bait, but no hooks. Daily 9:30AM-4:30PM. Adult $5, ages 5-12 $3, under 5 $0.50.

- Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute, 40 Crow Lane, East Broadway, Pembroke, just outside of Hamilton.

- Bermuda National Trust Museum known as the Globe Hotel.

- Gibbs Hill Lighthouse, St Anne's Road, Southampton. One of the oldest cast iron structures in the world. First lit on May 1st 1846. You can climb its 180 steps to the observation deck surrounding the lamp, which offers spectacular views of the island and the waters around.

There is a Tea Room at its base offering drinks and light fare.

- Go to one of Bermuda's lovely pink sandy beaches. Keep in mind that some of the beaches do not have any shade, nor umbrellas to rent, so it can get quite sunny and hot.

- Horseshoe Bay Beach, Southampton Parish. Beautiful pink sand beach bordered by rocky areas suitable for snorkelling. Probably the most photographed and most popular Bermudian beach.

Be aware that it may be crowded with cruise ship tourists, whose number one stop is often this beach. The surf can get rough at times here. There are bathroom facilities, beach rentals, and food concessions. Lifeguards in summer. Be sure to look for the impressive sea caves and tunnels.

- Day Cruises, Day cruises will give travellers the opportunity to discover the wide variety of sea life that dwells in Bermuda's crystal-clear waters. The trip takes you to 2-3 different locations to get closer to the reefs and noted shipwrecks. Jessie James Cruises.

- Elbow Beach, Tribe Road #4, Paget Parish. Another beautiful pink sand beach between Coral Beach, Elbow Beach and Coco Reef hotels.

- Tobacco Bay, St. George Parish. A boulder-sheltered, shallow, warm-water beach which can become quite crowded with cruise ship passengers. Can be reached on foot from St. George square or shuttles are readily available. Another walk will take you to nearby Fort St. Catherine. Rest rooms, food concession, beach rentals.

- Achilles Bay / St. Catherine's Bay, Northeastern St. George Parish. Can be reached on foot from St. George square or shuttles are readily available. Adjacent to Fort St. Catherine. Rest rooms, food concession nearby, beach rentals.

- Clearwater Beach / Turtle Beach / Turtle Bay / Long Bay / Well Bay / Soldier Bay, in St. David's near the eastern end of the airport runway. Located on former US Air Base lands used for NASA tracking station at Cooper's Island. Rest rooms, food concession and bar. Children's playground. Lifeguards during the summer months.

- John Smith's Bay Beach, Hamilton Parish. Nice pink sand beach. Summer lifeguards. Usually a mobile food concession.

- Shelly Bay, North Shore Road, Hamilton Parish. Lots of shallow water and a large playground make this great choice for families with small kids. Not far from Flatts Village and the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo. Restrooms, beach rentals, food concession.

- Chaplin Bay / Stonehole Bay / Warwick Long Bay, South Road, Warwick Parish. Warwick Long Bay is a very large beach. It's less popular than the other large beaches due to its relatively steep sand slope, and strong undercurrent.

Chaplin and Stonehole bays, along with the accompanying Jonson's Cove, are pristine, picture postcard settings. They are made up of small and medium sized sandy inlets.

-Snorkel Park, Royal Naval Dockyard, 234-6989. A limestone tunnel through the keep's wall puts you on the beachfront for snorkelling or water sports. This is often a popular stop for passengers coming off the cruise ships and reluctant to leave the Dockyard area.

Bermuda is endowed with many golf courses and driving ranges spread:

- St. George Golf Course, St. George Parish, north of the Town of St. George.

- Tuckers Point Golf Course / Mid Ocean Golf Course, St. George Parish, near Tucker's Town.

- Ocean View Golf Course, Devonshire Parish on northern shore.

- Horizons Golf Course, Paget Parish south-west. (9 holes)

- Belmont Hills Golf Course, Warwick Parish east.

- Riddell's Bay Golf and Country Club, Warwick Parish west.

- Fairmont Southampton Princess Golf Course, Southampton Parish east.

- Port Royal Golf Course, Southampton Parish west.

- Bermuda Golf Academy and Driving Range, Southampton Parish west.

The former Bermuda Railway which was dismantled in 1948 after 17 years of service. Many sections still exist as a public walking trail stretching from St. George Town in the east end, through Pembroke Parish near the City of Hamilton and on toward Somerset Village in the west end.
Many station houses, trestle footings and railway ties can be found. It offers spectacular views of the island and waters along its length.

Bermuda has many examples of large fortifications and smaller batteries spread throughout the island which were built between 1612 after first settlement and manned until 1957. For its small size the island had approximately 100 fortifications built.

Many have been restored, primarily the larger ones, and are open to the public with dioramas and displays. Many have their original cannons in place. Some lie on outlying islands and islets and can only be accessed via boat, or have been incorporated into private properties and resorts.

Some of them mentioned below:

- Fort St. Catherine , St. George Parish north,has displays and dioramas and replica Crown Jewels.

- Gates Fort, St. George Parish east guarding Town Cut channel entrance.

- Alexandra Battery, St. George Parish east

- Fort George, St. George Parish overlooking the Town of St. George.

- St. David's Battery, St. George Parish east

- Martello Tower / Ferry Island Fort, St. George Parish west at Ferry Reach.

- King's Castle / Devonshire Redoubt / Landward Fort, St. George Parish south on Castle Island, accessed via boat.

- Fort Hamilton, Pembroke Parish overlooking the City of Hamilton.

- Whale Bay Battery, Southampton Parish west.

- Fort Scaur, Sandys Parish overlooking the waters of the Great Sound.

- The Keep at the Dockyard, Sandys Parish, within the Maritime Museum.

- Royal Naval Dockyard

- The sprawling stone building that were the former naval base to Bermuda now houses several different sites and attractions, including a pub located in the old Cooperage, or barrel-making facility.

- The Maritime Museum, offering the most extensive look at Bermudian history on all of the islands; or many shops located in the former naval administration building.

Now known as the Clocktower Mall, these small shops offer many different speciality souvenir options exclusive to Bermuda such as fine linens and jewellery.

Located just off of King’s Wharf, visitors coming off of cruise ships may find the Royal Naval Dockyard to be an appealing option because of its close proximity to the docks and the accommodations.

- Victoria Park, located in Hamilton, this public park is the home to many concerts in the summer months on the bandstand, which was established in 1899 and completely restored in 2008.

Visit one of the several flower gardens, walk on the paths or sit on one of the many benches under the trees. Public restrooms are available nearby and the location is prime, between several of the busy streets of the capital.

In the summer, expect frequent concerts on the bandstand during the day and into the evening hours, food vendors, and other attractions for both adults and children. Conveniently for tourists, the main bus station of the city is located one block over from the park.

Open daily sunrise to sunset.

- Aquariums, the Devil’s Hole aquarium, located in Tucker’s Town, has since closed, leaving the Bermuda National Aquarium and Zoo as the sole aquatic life centre in Bermuda.

Expect to see a variety of water and land animals nursed back to health after being found in danger on the shores of Bermuda. This zoo/aquarium is unique because visitors can walk into the habitats of the animals due to the small nature of the facility.

Sports, besides a large variety of golf resorts available, Bermuda also offers unique sporting activities to its visitors:

- Spiceland Riding Centre offers horseback rides on a trail and the beaches. Located in the Warwick Parish.

- K.S. Waterspots in St. George’s is conveniently located steps from the cruise docking. Offering both jetskiing and parasailing, this is an excellent option for those who don’t wish to go far from their cruise ship.

- Bermuda Squash Racquets Association asks for a $15 fee for non-members to play. Located in Devonshire, this squash club also offers training, membership and coaching for visitors who have a longer stay.

- Bermuda Fun Golf offers miniature golf in Sandy’s Parish.

Bermuda's currency is the Bermudian dollar or BMD, abbreviated '$', which is divided into 100 cents. It comes in the same denominations and sizes as US currency, except there is a one dollar coin instead of a banknote.

The currency is directly tied to US currency, so one US dollar always equals one Bermudan dollar; therefore US dollars are accepted everywhere in Bermuda at equal value.

The same is true if you are from the Bahamas, East Timor, or Pamama, as the Bahamian dollar, and East Timor Centavo, Panamanian Balboa coins also equal the same value as the Bermudian dollar.

Bermuda offers ATMs in several tourist locations, including the airport, St. George, Somerset, and Hamilton. Though MasterCard and Visa debit and credit cards are frequently accepted, it is common for smaller hotels and bed and breakfasts to not accept them.

Before booking, check with the hotel or bed and breakfast in order to ensure they accept credit cards if you plan to pay this way. Though most stores accept cards to accommodate tourists, many hotels and even larger resort areas do not. Gratuities are typically paid in cash as well.

If changing money before coming to Bermuda, then change into US dollars. Remember that Bermudian dollars cannot be changed outside the country, so should be spent or exchanged before leaving.

Bermuda can be expensive. Because of Bermuda's steep import tax, all goods sold in stores that come from off the island carry a significant markup.

When buying groceries or other non-souvenir items of that nature, be aware that the best prices are usually away from the more touristy areas.

For example, one cup of yoghurt might cost about $1.60 at a grocery store near hotels; it will cost 25% less at a grocery store further from the tourist attractions, and only 10 cents more than in the United States. When buying these sort of things, go to where the locals go.

A nice assortment of stores exists in Hamilton, especially on Front Street. The area can be explored easily by foot. Front Street, is one of the main shopping streets, and is facing the harbour.

In recent years, two of the largest and oldest department stores on Front Street have closed. However, A.S. Coopers, first established in 1897, remains.

Shopping can also be found in the easily walked town of St George as well as in Dockyard, which has a small shopping mall. Smaller stores can be found throughout the island offering a variety of goods.

Two relatively unique Bermudian dishes are salted codfish, boiled with potatoes, the traditional Sunday breakfast, and Hoppin' John, a simple dish of boiled rice and black-eyed peas.

Shark hash was made, fish cakes were traditional on Fridays, hotcross buns at Easter, and cassava or farine pies at Christmas.

With the high-end tourist market, great effort has been expended by hotel and restaurant chefs in developing an ostensibly traditional Bermudian cuisine, although this has usually meant adapting other cuisines, from West Indian to Californian, in line with the expectations of visiting clientèle.

Most pubs serve a typical British Pub fare, although the number of these establishments has diminished as premises are lost to development, or establishments are redeveloped to target the tourist market.

While lobster and other sea foods are often featured on the menu, virtually everything is imported from the US or Canada. If you want local fish, ask or look for local as opposed to fresh.

Restaurants can be found all over the island, with the largest concentration in the city of Hamilton and St George town. Also, there are several at some of the hotels and resorts which can be outstanding or not and pricey.

Gratuity is included in the bill (15% or 17%) depending on the restaurant, so check your bill to avoid accidentally tipping twice.

Remember that with most restaurants, the closer you are to the cruise ship docks, the more expensive the menu will be. Most cruise ship passengers have a short time in which to experience Bermuda, and if they don't eat on the ship, most will be reluctant to leave the town to eat.

The restaurants in proximity to the cruise ship docks in, say, St. George's can be as much as three times as expensive as a comparable one in, say, Somerset Village.

Traveler's Price Card (TPC), 8 Crows Nest Hill. Although shopping may seem relatively expensive in Bermuda there are some ways to save money.

Traveler's Price Card (Tpc) offers exclusive deals at over 60 locations. It can be purchased online or at the Hamilton VIC, Dockyard VIC, Juice & Beans and at numerous hotels. $11. e

Local foods:

- Cassava pie. Farine is an alternate base. Traditionally eaten at Christmas, but becoming more commonly found in local markets year round.

- Bay grape jelly. Bay grapes were introduced as a wind break. Although, like Surinam cherries and loquats, they are found throughout Bermuda, and produce edible fruit, none of these plants are cultivated for agriculture in Bermuda, and their fruits are normally eaten from the tree, mostly by school children.

- Bermuda Bananas which are smaller and sweeter than others, are often eaten on Sunday mornings with codfish and potatoes.

- Fish is eaten widely in the form of local tuna, wahoo, and rockfish. Local fish is a common feature on restaurant menus across the island.

- Fish Chowder seasoned with sherry pepper sauce and dark rum is a favourite across the island.

- Shark Hash. Minced shark meat mixed with spices and served on bread

- Sweet Potato Pudding. is made from sweet potatoes, spices, and fresh orange juice. Served frequently during the holidays
Codfish Brunch. is a popular traditional Bermudian breakfast consisting of codfish that is boiled with potatoes and Bermuda (English) onions, as well as sliced Bermudian bananas. Expect to see this speciality dish at restaurants and bed and breakfasts during the weekend.

Bermuda favourite drinks:

Rum Swizzle which is a rum cocktail made of Demerera Rum (amber rum) and Jamaican Rum (dark rum) along with an assortment of citrus juices.

Sometimes brandy is added to the mixture as well. It is quite strong. According to local lore, it was named after the Swizzle Inn,although swizzle is a term that originated in England where it was said to be developed.

Dark n' Stormy is a highball of Gosling's Black Seal, a dark blend of local rums, mixed with Barritt's Bermuda Stone Ginger Beer.
Both drinks are comparatively very sweet.

Accommodation in Bermuda is typically quite expensive. However, there are excellent options available.

There are many exclusive and four star accommodations.

Additionally, some businesses offer private homes, apartments and studios for short term rent such as Bermuda Accommodations Inc.

The exorbitant cost of accommodation and airfares has had a negative effect on tourism, which is shrinking by more than 25% every year. Local government therefore hopes for more budget airlines to come to the island,now only USA3000 from Baltimore and some JetBlue Flights are available.

Cruise ships are scape-goated for the decline in hotel stays. Compared to Caribbean destinations Bermuda is at least twice to five times as expensive for a similar product.

Bermuda College, Stonington Av, South Rd, Paget. Bermuda's lone college.

Warwick Academy, Saltus Grammar School, and the Bermuda High School for Girls are some of the few private high schools located on the island.

The official language is English, which is written using British spelling and spoken with a distinctive accent not really similar to any other Caribbean country. Most people claim it resembles the Southern US in some cases. Portuguese is the second most widely spoken language.

Violent crime is becoming increasingly problematic in Bermuda but is still very rare compared to other destinations in the Caribbean. Most crime is petty like robbery. Using common sense and similar precautions that one would take at home is usually sufficient enough to deter most thieves.

Mopeds are very frequent targets for theft; make sure that you properly lock up any rented moped when leaving them unattended. When riding, do not place valuable items in the carry-basket unless they are secured,thieves have been known to ride next to tourists on mopeds and snatch purses and valuables.

Rented mopeds have a tendency to get into accidents due to the sometimes narrow roads as well as driving on the left hand side, which may take getting used to. Using common sense and keeping calm in the traffic, which can appear quite close helps.

Always lock your doors and windows before leaving your hotel or guest accommodation.

Note that Bermuda has no right to concealed weapons except for government officers.

In case of emergency

Dial 911 for all emergencies that is for fire, police, and medical.

Although it should go without saying, Bermuda can get very hot during the day, so sunscreen and a bottle of water is very handy for those venturing more than a short distance from their hotels.

Health care in Bermuda is incredibly expensive, and is roughly at American standards. There is one hospital on the island, the King Edward VII Memorial, with emergency services, including a decompression chamber.

Air Ambulance service is available to additional medical services on the East Coast of the US. There is no government-funded National Health Service.

As healthcare costs in Bermuda are quite expensive, it may be wise to purchase traveller's insurance through a travel website or cruise line depending on how long you choose to stay.

For minor issues or to purchase medication such as aspirin, stop by one of Bermuda’s many chain or independent pharmacy drug stores. Most are well-stocked, and are employed by friendly, knowledgeable pharmacists and staff who can assist with any questions.

A well-known, reputable stop is The Phoenix Centre.

Be wary of coral, especially in Snorkel Park, as it is easy to cut yourself on the sharp edges.

Purchasing sandals or water shoes from one of the island’s many tourist shops or bringing them from home may be a wise choice. Something else to be wary of is jellyfish.

If stung, apply a solution to neutralize the poison typically a meat tenderizer or seek medical attention immediately if breathing or consciousness are affected.

Because all drinking water in Bermuda is caught in tanks and neutralized by the lime rooftops of the houses and buildings, it is best to inquire with a hotel's manager or staff if the water is safe to drink.

If unsure, never assume it is safe, as the different bacteria in the water can vary depending on where you are staying. The differences of bacteria in the water in Bermuda in comparison to the water tourists are used to drinking may also cause stomach problems.

Boiling the water or purchasing water neutralizing tablets are two ways to ensure the water is safe to drink.

It is considered good manners when greeting someone, a shop assistant or the Premier, to say good morning, good afternoon or good evening and to do the same when leaving them. This applies even in situations where you are the customer, such as when catching the bus or entering a store.

It is considered rude and abrupt to ask a question or make a statement without first greeting them. Try to avoid talking about politics or religion unless you know the person very well.

Most Bermudians are very accommodating when it comes to helping out or answering any questions a visitor may have. Just stop someone on the street, or pop into any shop and ask.

In Bermuda, it is common for a tip to be included in your bill, whether hotel or restaurant. However, in the event one is not, a 15% tip is customary.

Make sure to tip taxi drivers 10%, or even more if the driver is transporting tourists from the beaches to elsewhere. It is not unheard of for drivers to turn passengers away if they are sandy or soaking wet.

Also note that homosexuality is seen as taboo in public in Bermuda even if it is allowed by law in private. The local gay community exists on a more low-key scale than elsewhere, with no gay specific venues at this time.

Tourism Observer

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